Caribbean Union College Secondary School is operated and run as an educational institution by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It therefore subscribes to the general statement on the Philosophy of Education held by the Church.
The Church recognizes God as Creator and sustainer of the universe and the ultimate source of knowledge and wisdom. It accepts that Christian Education, by performing faith in Christ, restores man in the image of the Creator, nurtures in him an intelligent dedication to God’s work on earth and develops him for conscientious service to his fellow men through practical preparation.

The Church believes that the knowledge of a personal God cannot be derived from human reason alone and that the Holy Scriptures constitutes the only unerring rule of faith and practice since it is the divine revelation of God’s nature, purpose and plans. Caribbean Union College Secondary School seeks to operate a system, which ensures that its youth receives a balanced physical, mental, moral, social and vocational education in harmony with Christian standards.
Caribbean Union College Secondary School is co-educational and offers a board-based education, which prepares students for the joy of service in this world and the reward of life in the new earth. In this Christian environment students are expected to act responsibly and to conduct themselves in accordance with the ideals of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which operates the school. The Secondary School welcomes any individual who wishes to join the school family regardless of religious persuasion, age, race, colour or gender to receive the quality education it offers.