Code of Conduct

National School Code of Conduct
General Conduct
Students are expected to maintain a high standard of conduct in and out of school. Application to enroll is evidence that the student has chosen to live by the practices and regulations which appear in official school publications or as announced during a school year. Any student who demonstrates a lack of respect for the standards maintained by the school or disobeys the rules will face disciplinary action.
Conduct Specifications
Caribbean Union College adheres to the regulations outlined in The National School of Conduct as prepared by the Ministry of Education. All students are expected to abide by the regulations therein. A copy of The National Code of Conduct is available at
In addition, Caribbean Union College is a Seventh-Day Adventist Institution which means the high moral values of the SDA Church are underlying principles in the conduct guidelines of this institution. It is expected that students will at all times observe these guidelines and that parents will fully support the school as we seek to develop young men and young women who are capable of being positive influences in the society.

The School Day commences at 7.45am each day and ends at 2:45pm Monday to Thursday and at 1.00pm on Friday. Students are expected to be in school for the entire period within these hours. The Class attendance register is marked each morning and each afternoon. Students not present for the roll call will be marked late or absent.
Daily Schedule
Monday to Thursday
- 7.45 am Bell-worship begins
- 8.00 am Roll is marked
- 8.00 am 1st Period starts
- 8.40 am 2nd Period starts
- 9.20 am 3rd Period starts
10.00 am Break
- 10:20 am 4th Period Starts
- 11:00 am 5th Period starts
11:40 am Lunch
- 12.45 pm 6th Period starts
- 1:25 pm 7th Period starts
- 2:05 pm 8th Period starts
- 2:45 pm Prayer & Dismissal
- 7:45 am 1st Period starts
- 8.25 am 2nd Period starts
- 9:05 am Chapel Session
10:00 am Break
- 10:30 am 3rd Period begins
- 11:10 am Form Room Period
- 11:30 Co-curricular
- 1.00 pm Prayer & Dismissal
Information is frequently provided in the form of circulars and notifications which are posted on the school’s Learning Manage System, Schoology ® and/or sent home via your child/ward. You should check regularly with him/her to ensure that he/she has remembered to hand you these circulars and having received them, you should keep them safely for reference. Some circulars carry a reply slip which is to be completed, signed, detached and returned to the school: please remember to do this. All Parents are required to provide the school with a working email address to facilitate smooth communication.
Communicating With Parents
In order to ensure a close and mutually beneficial relationship of communication between parents, teachers and students, the two-way line of communication between home and school must be kept open. We want parents to be fully aware of what is going on in school and to support and complement the efforts being made by the administration and staff on their children’s behalf. Parents may also feel free to offer suggestions and raise any concerns which they have. Parents who wish to see the Principal may call the Secretary Mrs. Judy Bruno to make an appointment. The Vice Principal has a limited teaching load and is often available for discussion with parents.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
At least once per term a day is set aside for parents, teachers and students to meet and discuss the progress of the child. This meeting is vitally important and we urge parents to prepare for it.

Behaviour And Courtesy
We require all our students to treat all members of staff whether administrative, academic or ancillary, with the utmost consideration at all times. They should STAND when the Principal, Vice Principal, a teacher or visitor enters the classroom and when responding in class to a teacher. Students should keep to the left on stairways and corridors to allow staff members to pass. Respect for the property of others is a cardinal rule. No student may go into the desk or book bag of another or borrow anything without the consent of the owner. In order to safeguard their property, students must ensure that all their possessions, including bags, books, calculators and Physical education equipment are clearly identified.
1. Students should not bring large sums of money or valuables, including cell phones to school unless absolutely necessary, in which case they must be left in the safe keeping of either the form teacher or School Secretary. The school does not accept responsibility for any losses which may occur if students fail to observe this rule.
2. Students should conduct themselves quietly and in an orderly manner at all times. They must not be found running and shouting along the corridors or in the class-rooms
3. After school, students must vacate their classrooms in an orderly manner by 3.15pm, unless they are in detention or have permission from a teacher to stay for some group activity.
4. Students who arrive at school after 8:00 am may be refused admission or disciplined, unless accompanied by a parent/guardian or possessing a satisfactory excuse signed by a parent/guardian.
5• Students must attend all school devotional exercises including morning devotions and every chapel session.
6• Students are not allowed to leave the school compound during lunch time. Students who live nearby and who wish to go home for lunch must bring a written note from parent/guardian requesting permission to do so.
7• Any student who wishes to leave school due to illness or emergency must first consult with his/her Form Teacher. If permission is granted he/she will be required to sign the leave register.
8• Students who are absent from school must submit an excuse to their Form Teacher on the first day of return to school. All excuses must be presented on whole pages.
1. The following areas on the school compound are out of bounds to all students
• The Principal’s Office
• The Vice principal’s Office
• The Business Manager Office
•The Staff room
• All the laboratories (Science, Food & Nutrition, IT, Woodwork, TD, Art, Language) unless supervised by a teacher.
• The Cafeteria (during class time)
• The Corridors during class time (without Teacher’s Permit)
2. Students may not make or receive calls without permission from the administration.
3. Entertainment devices must not be brought to school. The school will not be liable if the item is lost, stolen or damaged. These items will be confiscated if they are found in use during school time. (they will be returned upon payment of a fine ranging between $25 – $50)
4. Camera phones are not allowed in school. Other regular cell phones must be switched off during school time. These items will be confiscated if they are found in use during school time. (they will be returned upon payment of a fine; $25 for regular phones, $50 for camera phones)
5. Toys that are potentially dangerous or intimidating, such as toy guns, scratch bombs, artificial animals or pets must not be brought to school. They will be confiscated and the offending student will be disciplined.
Homework, Assessment & Reporting
Homework is an important aspect of the teaching/learning process and is set on a regular basis in almost every subject. Parents should make a daily check to ensure home work is being recorded and assignments are completed.
Home and School Association (Parent Teacher Association)
A vibrant Home and School Association or PTA exists at present and new parents are urged to be supportive and active. Meeting are normally held at 4 pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month and students and parents are always given notices concerning the date and time of the meeting.